The title says it all! This is the character profiles page. There might not be many at the moment but i hope to increase the amount of information.
Goku,(saiyen name:Kakarot)was sent from the planet vegeta as a child to desrtoy planet earth. Goku was classed as a low-class saiyed. When landing on earth he hit his head and forgot about destroying earth and became good. Grandpa gohan found him and raised him before he was killed by Oozaru Goku. Goku is main character of Dragonball, dragonball Z and dragonball GT .
He fuses Vegeta using the Potara to form Vegeto when fighting Buu and fuses using the dance with Vegeta to form Gogeta ssj4 fighting Evil Shenlong
Goku is a good hearted person and cares about other people which some times can be his weakness.
Race: Saiyan
Father: Bardock
Brother: Radditz
Wife: Chichi
Children: Gohan, Goten
Father-in-law: Ox King
Daughter-in-law: Videl
Grandaughter: Pan
Trainers: Kamesenin, Kami, King Kai
Deathes: while holding Radditz while piccalo killed them both,when cell destructs, died of heart disease in trunks time,
Special Techniques: Kamehameha, Kaioken, Spirit bomb, Instant transmission, Dragon fist
Chibi Trunks is the young trunks from this time. He was born sometime when they were training to beat the androids Mirai Trunks was talking about. Chibi trunks during the buu series fuses with Goten with the fusion dance to create Gotenks and deteat Majin Buu.Trunks comes up with the idea to take it easy on Buu at the start and then at the end kill him. Chibi Trunks has made contact with Mirai Trunks during the Android saga. On GT Trunks goes up to space together with Goku and Pan
Race: Saiyan/Human
Father: Vegeta
Mother: Bulma
Sister: Bra
Trainers: Vegeta, Goku, Piccolo
Special Techniques: ????????
Prince of all saiyans, his father was the king of vegeta and was killed by Frieza. Vegeta worked with Frieza to take over planets. Vegeta then went to earth to get the dragonballs and wish for emortallity after over hearing Radditz conversation with Piccalo through the scouter. After arriving on earth not realizing how strong goku was beten by him on which Goku let him go and he flew of in his pod badly hurt. Vegeta's ego is what makes him strong and is always wanting a challenge.
Race: Saiyen
Father: King Vegeta
Wife: Bulma
Children: Trunks,Bra
Father-in-law: Dr Breifs
Trainers: None
Deaths: Frieza killing him, Selfdestructing agianst Majin Buu
Special Techniques: Gallet Gun, Final Flash, Big Bang attack
Gohan is a young child half saiyan half human with hidden powers which are awakend when his father was getting hurt by Radditz and then again when Cell crushes Android 16's head. He was named after Granpa Gohan becuase he liked the name ansd so he was named that. His mother wants him to get a good education and makes him study hard but his father wants him to train and become a fighter as strong him. Gohan has his first proper fight against cell in which he turned ssj2 and began to waste him. After the Cell saga he gets a costume and calls him self the Great Saiya Man and becomes kind of a super hero.
And in GT becomes a real buisness man but hasn't lost his saiyan power.
Race: Saiyan/Human
Father: Goku
Mother: Chichi
Brother: Goten
Wife: Videl
Children: Pan
Father-in-law: Hurcule
Grandson: Goku Jr
Trainers: Piccolo, Goku
Deathes: Against Buu
Special Techniques: Kamehameha, Masenko, Scatter shot
Mirai Trunks came from 20 years in the future in a time capsual to warn Goku about the two deadly andrids. When he got to this time Frieza and King cold was there to get revenge on Goku but trunks showed what a real super saiyan was and killed them both easaly. When Goku arrived he told him everything and gave him the antidote the would cure the disease that had kiled him in Trunks time, he then left and went back to his time. He then returned three years later to find they were fighting two different androids from the ones he was fighting and they soon found the androids he was talking about. In Trunks's time the androids were real killing machines unlike the androids in this time, the future androids had killed all of the Z warriers as well as many other humans, his world was ruined by them thats why he went back in time to change thier world though it does not change his.
Furure Mirai trunks was killed by Cell and took his time machine after trunks had killed 17 and 18.
After the cell was destroyed for good he was wished alive and returned to his time to kill 17,18 and Cell as he was much stronger now.
Race: Saiyan/Human
Father: Mirai Vegeta
Mother: Mirai Bulma
Trainers: Mirai Gohan
Deathes: Against Cell when he comes back
Special Techniques: His sword, Burning Attack and mabee some of Vegeta's
Piccolo born from the egg that Piccolo Daimao created just before he was destroyed by Goku. Piccolo Daimao is the evil that Kami had to release to become guardian of the earth. Piccolo was evil until he met Gohan who brang out the good side of him while training him. Saying Piccolo came from Kami if one died the other one died aswell. Piccolo did not like kame but he had no choice but to fuse with Kami if he wanted to defeat the Androids.
In which case the Dragonballs turned to stone and there was no more dragon.
Piccolo had once fused before with Nail on Namek to defeat Frieza.
Race: Namek
Father: Piccolo Daimao
Trainers:King Kai
Deaths: When protecting Gohan from Nappas Beam, when earth exploded on GT
Special Techniques: Special beam cannon, Masenko, Scatter shot, Regeneration