Here are images of the members so far who have joined the tournment.
Here is the wonderful Supreme Kaio! Everyones favourite Kaio.
he is definately my favourite for the tournment.
Vegetto(all stages), Them Scenron A very strong team here. Them Scenron and Vegetto
Brilliant combination. That is the only comment.
Android #18 Indeed 18 is a magnificant fighter and will surely get far, maybe even win. Lets hope.
Son Goku, Young Gohan(all stages) and GT Goten(all stages) This team is strong and cool. This person has not got Vegeta anymore so of anyonewants him now would be a good time to claim him! Son Goku, 12 year old Gohan and GT Goten. It is a family team. Definately a strong alliance.
GT Trunks,Gotenks(all stages) and Brolli(all stages) One more for the group tournment. Probably the best. I mean combining GT Trunks, SSJ4 Gogeta and Brolli its the ultimate combination. A fabulous team now that the power of super Saiya-jin Brolli has been added known as unstopable! Who knows this team could go all the way. Don't you just adore Trunks. Well GT Trunks is even better. Perfect choice.
Mirai Trunks The characters are just piling in and we only need three more until we can officially do the opening ceramony. And who better now to enter then Mirai Trunks the freedom fighter. This Trunks in particular has been tought the Kamehameha! Watch out it packs a punch.
Videl Satan/Son Two girls and two more till it all begins. The wait is almost over. Videl is a hard kicking fast fighting chick with an attitude and courage.
Cell, SSJ4 Vegeta and The Great Saiyaman Cell! Just one more to go until i am able to start the tournment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cell is a fine athlete with an evil personality. Perfect for an action packed tournment. VEGETA!!!Yey i am in favor of this team. Vegeta's Icuuban Ha could wipe out alot! Except SSJ4 Goku but i would love to see that battle. Arh the Great Saiyaman. We are glad to have a bit of comedy in the tournment.