Here are some more character info and thankyou to http://www.geocities.com/gotenksss101/ for the image of Gotenks.
Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi Chi and makes his appearence in the Buu Saga after Goku's death. Goten is trained by Gohan who helps Goten become the youngest saiyan to turn SSJ. As a child Goten looks like an exactly miniature copy of Goku and sometimes shares the same intelect. Goten was not pressured to study as much as Gohan, and he spent his free time doing things with Trunks who bosses Goten around alot. Goten and Trunks enter the Budoukai together and Goten is surprised to see his father for the first time at the Budoukai. Goten and Trunks later on fight Buu by forming a very powerful fused saiyan called Gotenks who almost defeats Buu. As a teenager Goten has his own unique look and trains with his father in the mountains for the next Budoukai in which Goten entered himself. Gotens character goes from being an eager fighter as a young boy and a teenager, to a very subtle and in a way perverted man in GT. Goten never reaches SSJ2 and doesn't have that much of an important role in GT.
Yamcha is a character who makes his appearence in Dragonball as a common thief until Goku and his crew come along and Yamcha desides to join in their adventure to collect the 7 magical dragonballs. After that Yamcha is pictured as one of the weaker fighters in Dragonball Z and is often a coward when it comes down to fighting someone more powerful than him. Yamcha falls in love with Bulma but goes on with his life after Bulma has a child with Vegeta. He then spends all of the Buu Saga walking around in a yellow tuxedo and doing practically nothing.
Videl is the daughter of Satan Earth's so called "hero". She attends Orange Star High School with Gohan and is very tough and powerful. She falls in love with Gohan and she marry's him. She and Gohan have a daughter named Pan who behaves in the same manner as Videl in her younger years.
Majin Buu is a pink warrior that makes his appearence in the Buu Saga. He is realeased by Babi Di who gives him energy from SSJ 2 Gohan and takes to killing everyone he can including an unsuspecting Babi Di. He then fights Vegeta who sacrifice his life to destroy him but his futile attempt is to no avail. Buu then meets a warrior named Satan who's out to go kill Buu and save the world. Satan lives with Buu and buys him a puppy who Buu loves very much. Buu's heart changes and he can no longer stay formed with his evil side, and ends up realeasing it. But his evil half defeats him and they once again form into an even more power and more evil Buu who fights Gohan, Gotenks, and Vegetto. Buu uses a special technique absorb and use the powers of anyone he desires. But after Goku and Vegetta realease those who he had absorbed he transforms himself into a smaller version of himself. SSJ3 Goku defeats him and the evil Buu is no more. What remains of Buu is the good half.
Krillin is a human warrior who first makes his appearence in Dragonball in which he and Bulma helped Goku on his mission to find the 7 magical dragonballs. Goku underestimates Krillins power and is defeated by him. After that Krillin plays a major role in DBZ until the Buu Saga in which he grows hair and tries to live a normal life with his wife #18 and his daughter Marron. But Krillin is turned into stone by Dabura and later on is beat up by Buu. Krillin then sinks into nothing in GT and is shown as an elderly man.
Android #18
Android #18 is the twin sister of Android #17, and was created by Dr.Gero but because of malfunctioning problems had to be shut down. Unlike her brother #18 is not as patient and acts more viciously in her battles. While in the Cell Saga she develops a crush on Krillin and ends up marrying him after Cell is defeated. After that #18 plays a minor role in the Buu Saga fighting in the Budoukai.
Tien is a human warrior that goes through most of Dragonball and Dragonball Z training with his friend Chioatzu to become more powerful. He has a little grudge against Vegeta for getting him killed in the beggining of Dragonball Z and is often jealous of his power. Tien tries to compete with Goku and the other saiyans until the end of the Buu Saga when he realizes that he is too weak to fight anymore and slips through the backround after that.